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IELTS Speaking Test

The speaking test will take about 11 to 14 minutes to complete. There are three sections in total. These are as follows

Part 1:

Introduction and interview. This lasts for about 4 to 5 minutes. In this section, the Examiner will introduce him/herself and ask you questions about yourself.

Part 2:

Individual long turn. Part 2 lasts for about three to four minutes. In this section, you will be asked to prepare and give a short talk for about one to two minutes on a given subject.

Part 3:

Two-way discussion. Part 3 lasts for 4 to 5 minutes. In this section, you will be asked to have a short discussion linked to the subject you spoke about in part 2.

You’re tested on your ability to:


  1. Make yourself familiar with the test format: Understand the format of the Speaking exam, including the three sections and the sorts of questions asked in each. This will allow you to successfully prepare and know what to expect on exam day.
  2. Regular practice: It is vital for improving your speaking abilities. Practice speaking English with a companion, join conversation groups, or consider taking an English class. The more you practice, the more relaxed and confident you’ll feel.
  3. Work on extending your vocabulary: Read a lot, listen to English podcasts, and make it a point to use new terminology in your everyday discussions. This will allow you to express yourself more effectively during the examination.
  4. Concentrate on fluency and coherence: Practice speaking clearly and fluently. Maintain a natural pace, eliminate excessive pauses, and easily connect your ideas. Make sure your comments have a precise introduction, body, and conclusion.
  5. Improve your pronunciation: Take care with your pronunciation. Practice pronouncing words correctly, especially difficult sounds in English. Record yourself speaking and listen back to see where you can improve. To improve your own pronunciation, mimic the pronunciation of native English speakers.
  6. Use a variety of grammatical structures: Demonstrate your ability to correctly use a range of grammatical constructs. To demonstrate your linguistic proficiency, practice employing different tenses, complicated sentences, and linking words.
  7. Completely answer the question asked: Make certain that you comprehend the question and provide a comprehensive response. Address every part of the issue and back up your answers with relevant examples and details. Avoid delivering one-word or brief answers.
  8. Manage your time properly: During the exam, use your time wisely. Keep an eye on the timer and allot enough time to each question. Don’t spend too much time on one question at the expense of not finishing the others. During your preparation, practice time management.
  9. Improve your critical thinking abilities: The Speaking test may demand you to articulate your thoughts, analyze situations, or give recommendations. Improve your critical thinking skills by practicing effectively expressing and supporting your thoughts and opinions.
  10. Maintain your confidence and be yourself: Finally, maintain your confidence during the Speaking test. Remember that the examiner is looking to evaluate your language skills, not your personality. Be yourself, speak normally, and converse with the examiner as if you were conversing with a friendly native speaker.

You’ll be well-prepared to demonstrate your English speaking abilities and obtain a good score in the IELTS Speaking test if you follow these tips and practice consistently. Best wishes!

Practice Speaking Test:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3: