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IELTS Writing Task 2 Tips

Understand the question: A lot of students rush into writing the essay before they completely understand the question. It is important to identify the main keywords and understand what is expected from you in the essay
Plan your essay: It is important to map out your ideas before you start writing your essay. It will save you time and your essay will be more structured.
Practice all types of essays: When you’re preparing for the exam, it is important to practice using common topics used in the task 2 test. This will help you think of different ideas and help you expand your vocabulary. It is also important to listen to podcasts, read newspapers and watch TV in English to expand your knowledge and vocabulary.
Time management: Time is very important, remember that you should only spend about 40 minutes on Task 2. Practice your time management skills before the exam.
Work on vocabulary: Your vocabulary accounts for 25% of your final score so it is very important to improve your vocabulary before your exam. Examiners want to see that you can use a variety of vocabulary in your essay. Focus on learning some new vocabulary and phrases to improve your score.
Use paragraphs: A general rule to work on is to have one paragraph for one idea. Explain each idea in detail with relevant examples in one paragraph. Then, start another paragraph with a new idea.


Coherence and Cohesion

Cohesion is a very important aspect of IELTS writing tasks. Cohesion is how you link all the ideas present in your work.
Linking Words:

To indicate sequence

Firstly, grade improvement is experienced when high school students get enough sleep every night. Secondly, grade improvement is experienced when high school students get enough sleep every night. Finally, grade improvement is experienced when high school students get enough sleep every night. Lastly, grade improvement is experienced when high school students get enough sleep every night.

To cue evidence

For example, several independent studies reveal that high school students in America experience grade improvement when practicing this lifestyle.
For instance, many high school students in America experience grade improvement when practicing this lifestyle.
Many high school students, such as those from America, experience grade improvement when practicing this lifestyle.

To show similarity

Likewise, many high school students in America experience grade improvement when practicing this lifestyle.
Similarly, many high school students in America experience grade improvement when practicing this lifestyle.
High school students in America also experience grade improvement when practicing this lifestyle.
In tandem with this are the experiences of many high school students in America, whose grades improve when practicing this lifestyle.
Coupled with this are the experiences of many high school students in America, whose grades improve when practicing this lifestyle.

To show contrast

On the other hand, many high school students in America experience grade improvement when practicing this lifestyle
However, many high school students in America experience grade improvement when practicing this lifestyle.
Many high school students in America experience grade improvement when practicing this lifestyle, but this is not the case in Canada.
In contrast, many high school students in America experience grade improvement when practicing this lifestyle.
Conversely, many high school students in America experience grade improvement when practicing this lifestyle.

To extend or amplify

Further, several independent studies reveal that high school students in America experience grade improvement when practicing this lifestyle.
Moreover, several independent studies reveal that high school students in America experience grade improvement when practicing this lifestyle.
To add to this, several independent studies reveal that high school students in America experience grade improvement when practicing this lifestyle.

To show result

Thus, the link between restful sleep and student performance can be seen.
Therefore, the link between restful sleep and student performance can be seen.
It is clear that there is a link between restful sleep and student performance.
Because of this, students are able to maximise their academic performance.
As a result, students are able to maximise their academic performance.
Consequently, students are able to maximise their academic performance.

To draw conclusion

In conclusion, restful sleep acts as a clear precursor to improved academic performance among high school aged students.
To summarise, restful sleep acts as a clear precursor to improved academic performance among high school aged students.
To reiterate, restful sleep acts as a clear precursor to improved academic performance among high school aged students



Technology is becoming increasingly prevalent in the world today. In the not too distant future, technology will completely replace the teacher in the classroom. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Sample Answer

In modern times, the use of technology is quickly rising. Even in the classroom, technology is having an increasing impact. Despite this, I do not believe that class teachers will be replaced by artificial intelligence in the near future. This essay will demonstrate the difficulty of technology-driven teachers to meet the learning needs of their pupils while also incorporating the motivational aspect by creating understanding.
Firstly, an artificial intelligence-powered instructor would struggle to interpret the educational needs of children in a classroom. Honda Asimov, one of the world’s most advanced robots, for example, has difficulty differentiating simple human emotions. If even the most modern robotic machine can’t recognise these simple physical indicators, it’s tough to imagine that technology can change study plans and teaching styles in a dynamic classroom context. As a result, it is evident that a technology-driven teacher will not be operational anytime soon.
Secondly, a robotic instructor would be incapable of establishing the necessary emotional connection to motivate students. A notable example is the American scientific theory of education. According to this generally accepted view, young learners are more encouraged when they have an emotional relationship with their instructor. As most people believe that expecting children to build emotional attachments to machines is impractical, the notion that technology will replace teachers in the classroom can be dismissed.
In conclusion, a robotic teacher would lack the classroom energy and emotional intelligence required to be an effective teacher. As a result, it is evident that having a class run totally by a machine is a bad notion that will not succeed anytime soon.


Nowadays plastic money replacements such as credit and debit cards are extremely popular, even more than banknotes and coins. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Sample answer:

Electronic transactions are gradually replacing the traditional banking system, and banknotes are being phased out in favor of credit and debit cards. The transition to a cashless society may be slow, but it is constant and widespread. This paradigm change has both beneficial and negative consequences, which are addressed in this essay.
Electronic transactions and credit card payments are more convenient and can be handled while on the move. People do not have to carry large amounts of cash or write checks, which normally take a few days to clear. The electronic payment system is global and trouble-free. As a result, the eCommerce industry has thrived, and many people now operate their own online businesses without the need for a physical store. For example, currently it is rather simple to shop with a VISA or a Mastercard from nearly anywhere in the world. Personally, I dislike standing in queues to pay my utility bills, and my cards allow me to do so from home, which saves my time.
On the contrary, the tendency is not without its drawbacks. Although we can use these cards because of technical advances, the risks associated with using plastic money are specific to this technology. Cybersecurity and hacking are the biggest threats to such payment methods. For example, if a credit card is cloned or sensitive data on it is stolen, the owner will incur a significant financial loss. For example, a digital giant like Facebook has failed to protect its user data, and the exploitation of user data is a global concern. The same is true for plastic cards and internet payment methods, which are both vulnerable.
To summarize, while there are certain disadvantages to using plastic money to make and receive payments, it is an urgent necessity. It has numerous advantages, but we must exercise caution when using it.